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How well can you deal with stress while in college?

There are many ways to handle stress while in college. With about 30 weeks in a full school year, most college students tend to begin feeling themselves stress out half way through each term.

Here are a few ways you could manage stress during your college career:

  • A feeling of control and a healthy balance in your schedule is a necessary part of managing stress. Learning how to manage your responsibilities, accomplish your goals and still have time for rest and relaxation requires that you practice time management skills.

  • Try setting a specific goal for yourself that will improve your mood and help you reduce stress. Start by filling out a goal-setting worksheet.

  • Avoid procrastination. Putting off assignments or responsibilities until the last minute can create more mental and physical stress than staying on top of them. Procrastination can affect many aspects of daily life, such as the quality of your work, the quality of your sleep, and your mood.

  • Exercise regularly. Physical activity can help you burn off the energy generated by stress.

  • Practice good sleep habits to ensure that you are well-rested. Sleep deprivation can cause many physical and mental problems and can increase stress.

  • Try mindfulness meditation. Attend this workshop to learn a variety of ways to work more skillfully with the stress and anxiety related to college life.

  • Limit (or eliminate) the use of stimulants like caffeine, which can elevate the stress response in your body.

  • Pace yourself throughout the day, taking regular breaks from work or other structured activities. During breaks from class, studying, or work, spend time walking outdoors, listen to music or just sit quietly, to clear and calm your mind.

  • Start a journal. Many people find journaling to be helpful for managing stress, understanding

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